Gloss almost won ‘Best Independent Coverage’ at the IT Journalism Awards

A few weeks ago Gloss was named as a finalist at the IT Journalism Awards, aka The Lizzies, for ‘Best Independent Coverage’. And on Friday…

Gloss almost won ‘Best Independent Coverage’ at the IT Journalism Awards
Image: Thomas “Kochie” Koch, Progress Bar / Twitter

A few weeks ago Gloss was named as a finalist at the IT Journalism Awards, aka The Lizzies, for ‘Best Independent Coverage’. And on Friday night the site was ‘Highly Commended’ for the award, which is huge!

Other finalists included:

Ausdroid Media, Dominic Sharoo /, EFTM, Frederique Bros, Progress Bar, Rocket Chainsaw, Stevivor, Tech Guide

Really wish I could’ve made it to the awards. Huge congrats to EFTM for taking out the real prize, and to Progress Bar for sharing the ‘Highly Commended’ slot with us.