Why Buzzfeed does news, according to CEO Jonah Peretti

From a Verge report on Buzzfeed News’ Trump dossier

Why Buzzfeed does news, according to CEO Jonah Peretti

From a Verge report on Buzzfeed News’ Trump dossier

Peretti is a student of media history, and sitting in his office he says he’s eager to continue funding and promoting the News division. He sees news and entertainment as forces that balance each other out. “If you look at Ted Turner, he [had] TBS and CNN. When it was a slow news day, people could watch baseball games and old movies on TBS. When a war was starting they would watch CNN.”

Full thing here.

BuzzFeed vs. Trump
It happened fast. Just like everything else in Trumpland. On January 10th, CNN published an explosive story: a dossier…